Absolutely not! Our system generates an encrypted access key based on your driver account login. We never store any sensitive data like your password or personal details.

Yes! Our web app can be accessed from any browser, and is optimized for a seamless experience across all mobile and web devices. You do not need to download an additional application to use Flex Bee!

Absolutely! New customers can try our service free of charge. Feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance with setup or configuring search settings.

Yes. If you’re not satisfied with your experience, you can request a refund from our support team. Please note that our refund policy isn’t a money-back guarantee, and refund amounts can vary.

We’re always working to improve our system’s performance to increase your earnings. However, it’s normal to miss blocks. The success rate of searches can vary based on factors like driver region, time of day, and filter settings

Our system will automatically notify you via Telegram and Email when a new block has been accepted, or when your search has been stopped.

Flex Bee service is compatible with any device that can run a web browser, including mobile devices, laptops, desktops, and tablets.


We are working on integrating this feature. Stay tuned! 

We are in the the process of developing this feature and will notify users when it’s live.